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Brian Lim
Dec 9, 20211 min read
Advent Day 11: Does God Disregard Us?
“Jacob, why do you say, and Israel, why do you assert, “My way is hidden from the Lord, and my claim is ignored by my God”? Do you not...

Brian Lim
Dec 7, 20211 min read
Advent Day 10: Magnify and Rejoice!
“And Mary said: My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior,” Luke 1:46-47 CSB Praise is our design and...

Brian Lim
Dec 6, 20211 min read
Advent Day 9: Songs and Springs
”Then the eyes of the blind will be opened, and the ears of the deaf unstopped. Then the lame will leap like a deer, and the tongue of...
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